Personal & Spiritual Development
Replacing Worry with Peace
Sessions A,C
Presented By: Steven Morris
Are you dealing with worry in your ministry? Worry, stress, fear, and anxiety have become common struggles in our culture today. Contrary to what some may think, pastors and ministers are not immune to the situations and circumstances that are often the cause. In this breakout, we’ll turn to God’s Word to see how to navigate these challenges God’s way.
Glad I Didn’t Know
Sessions B,D
Presented By: Vonna Laue
We will encounter challenges and unexpected blessings throughout our lives, but how we respond and what we learn is important. This session will equip you to reflect on lessons learned from past experiences and how valuable they have been; identify your life’s roles and understand how those impact the types of challenges you face; and consider how you can approach future challenges and blessings differently.
Emotional Intelligence—The Key to Success
Sessions A,C
Presented By: David Reed
Emotional Intelligence refers to the skills and abilities that help you identify, understand, and manage your own emotions, and identify and empathize with the emotions of others. During this session we will introduce the key concepts of Emotional Intelligence and help the participants apply them to their everyday interactions with co-workers and customers.
Transforming Lives Through Intentional Coaching
Session B
Presented By: Arlen Busenitz
Talks and books open minds. Coaching changes and transforms lives. Whether you are a mentor who occasionally has coffee conversations, or you want to get into more paid coaching, this session will sharpen your skills to coach people on their journey of growth. Learn the seven questions that will take your coaching to a new level—and how to ask them.
Discover Your Unique Purpose & Calling
Session D
Presented By: Arlen Busenitz
Understand your unique mission in God’s master plan. Consider a framework that will help you grasp your personal gifting and calling. Learn how to get unstuck and get focused. Identify your zone of genius, and find the courage to make the changes you need.