Finance, TAX & Legal

Unrelated Business Income and Federal Tax Compliance (Advanced)

Sessions B

Presented By: Mike Batts

Engaging in certain types of activities can cause a church to need to address federal tax rules for “unrelated business income” (UBI). In this session, we will facilitate an introductory explanation of UBI followed by a discussion of two areas in which churches commonly encounter UBI issues. We will provide insight as to how to navigate those issues successfully!

Church Financial Management in Challenging Times

Sessions A

Presented By: Mike Batts

Managing a church’s finances during good economic times is one thing. Managing them during challenging times can be quite another. We will discuss how church leaders can successfully navigate financial issues during challenging and uncertain seasons—and how to be prepared for them!

How to Protect Yourself and the Organization While Maintaining a Small Accounting Staff 

Sessions B,D

Presented By: Sandy McClure

Many churches and mission organizations have small accounting teams. Financial integrity as well as contingency plans are critical to the health of the organization. In this session, we will discuss and highlight how to protect, mitigate, and establish actions, procedures, and controls that will provide insight for management and Boards while maintaining the trust and grace environmental culture.

Tax & Legal Updates for Religious Organizations

Session A

Presented By: Frank & Elaine Sommerville

Join Frank and Elaine Sommerville for a review of current IRS rulings and court decisions that provide insight into the legal and tax issues facing churches and religious organizations.

Ministerial Tax Issues (Intermediate)

Sessions B,C

Presented By: Jeff Robinson

Special tax rules apply to ministers and churches. During this presentation, we will discuss the qualifications of a minister for tax purposes, their dual status of being an employee and self-employed, Social Security rules that apply to them, how they pay their taxes, and a look into a minister’s housing allowance. By the end of this workshop, you will have a clear understanding of the uniqueness of ministerial tax issues.

Designated FUN! Supercharged Accounting for Designated Funds

Session C

Presented By: Ashley Voss

Get the most out of our Designated Funds (aka Donor-Restricted Contributions, aka Net Assets)! Attendees will learn: four methods of accounting for designated funds, the pros and cons of each method, internal controls and best practices, reporting to your leadership team, and answers to your toughest net asset questions and issues.

AI & Accounting: One CPA’s Exploration of Artificial Intelligence and Other Alien Lifeforms

Sessions A 

Presented By: Ashley Voss

Looking for understanding and confidence in Artificial Intelligence AND accounting? Attendees will learn the types of AI, how to practically use AI in the business administrator and accounting workspace, and which aspects of AI require us to exercise caution.

Finance, Tax & Legal Roundtable

Session B

Frank Sommerville (Facilitator), Darren Moore, Ashley Voss, and Jonathan Tucker

If you could chat with a team of lawyers and CPAs who share your love for ministry, what questions would you ask them? These five professionals are experts in their field, and they will be available to answer your finance, tax, and legal questions. Send your questions to or bring them with you. This roundtable, facilitated by Frank Sommerville, is sure to be worth your time!

Recent Developments from Capitol Hill, the Courts, and Beyond

Session C

Presented By: Aaron Mercer

In an ever-changing environment, it is critical to stay current on legal, tax, and financial trends impacting your ministry. Join Aaron Mercer from ECFA for an engaging discussion on the latest developments from Capitol Hill, the courts, and beyond. We will cut through the confusion to understand what is really happening on Capitol Hill, and how your ministry should respond. Learn from some of ECFA’s latest research and trends that impact your ministry.

Keeping your ministry out of court

Session C,D

Presented By: Darren Moore

Churches and nonprofit ministries operate as state law entities and as part of the group of organizations exempt from federal tax under Section 501(c)(3); however, they are unique in both contexts. This session will focus on certain aspects of this treatment while also considering basic planning and operational considerations to act responsibly, serve as good stewards of their resources, and avoid some of the most common claims churches face.


Stewardship & Missions


Human Resources