Human Resources

Medicare Made Clear for HR

Sessions A,B,C

Presented By: Michelle Feagin

This presentation provides basic information about Medicare for Human Resources, individuals considering Medicare enrollment, and caregivers for parents. Come learn how to reduce the expense for employee benefits, compare coverage options, and much more.

Don’t Quit—Confessions of an Exhausted Working Woman 

Session C

Presented By: Elaine Sommerville

Have you thought about quitting lately and giving it all up? You are not alone, but you may feel like you are. This session, just for women, will allow for a frank discussion of these emotions as well as provide insight and encouragement for finding rest, reengagement, and confidence in continuing in God’s journey and plans for your life.

Seven Hot Compliance Topics Facing Churches Today

Session D

Presented By: Elaine Sommerville

This session will bring a lively discussion to seven areas of compliance commonly overlooked by churches and religious organizations that could result in operational complications. The topics will include payroll complications, miscellaneous tax challenges, and governance issues to assist in identifying potential problems and their solutions.

Compensation Planning (Intermediate)

Sessions A,D

Presented By: Jeff Robinson

This session will cover the benefits of a properly structured compensation plan, as well as the dangers of the “lump-sum” package approach to compensation. By the end of the workshop, you will also have a guide to the six essential steps to creating a solid compensation plan.

Common Payroll & HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (Intermediate)

Session B

Presented By: Scott Lasseigne

This presentation addresses common payroll and HR mistakes specific to churches, providing practical solutions to avoid these issues. Attendees will learn about managing the unique complexities of church payroll, including ordained minister taxation, housing allowances, and multi-campus management. Attendees will be equipped to streamline their payroll processes, ensure accurate tax reporting, an effectively manage HR workflows in a decentralized church environment.

Three Foundational HR Documents Every Ministry Needs (Intermediate)

Sessions B,C

Presented By: Gina Rock

In working with hundreds of churches and ministries each year, we’ve identified three foundational documents every ministry needs. We’ll cover the benefits and best practices to having these documents in place and discuss potential risks or pitfalls when they are missing.

Three Critical HR Keys to Staff Development & Discipleship (Intermediate)

Sessions A,D

Presented By: Justin Romine

Discover how to engage HR strategies to develop and disciple your ministry staff. We will cover how to communicate clearly, coach with purpose, and handle corrective actions effectively so your ministry staff can thrive and be successful in the mission and vision of your organization.

HR Roundtable

Session C

Gary Benson, Scott Lasseigne, Harrison Smith & Patti Malott

A one-stop shop for all your HR solutions! Five experts with decades of combined experience will cover topics such as hiring, firing, policies, processes, legal issues, and much more. Bring your questions with you and come away with answers. This invaluable roundtable will be facilitated by Patti Malott. 


Finance, TAX & Legal