NextGen Ministries
Oh Yes You Can! Your Church Can Start a Special Needs Ministry
Session A
Presented By: Sharonda Ausbie
It seems so difficult to start a special needs ministry, but what if we simply misunderstand what it takes to create a safe haven to anchor families within your community to the church they love and serve? This class proves practical ways to begin and cultivate a special needs ministry at your church.
Loving the Community Through Respite Care
Session C
Presented By: Sharonda Ausbie
Revive your special needs community through respite care. Learn some bold ways to love on your community through respite care events.
NextGen roundtable
Session C
Stephanie Rogers, Justin Holcomb, CJ Malott & Kim Shelby
Come join our NextGen Roundtable where you can get answers to your questions about preschool all the way through high school ministry. Whether you are a parent, teacher, grandparent, or serving with students, this panel of experts are available to share their wisdom and insight.
Help, We Need More Teachers! Practical Tips for Recruiting, Training, and Organizing Leaders
Session A
Presented By: Stephanie Rogers
Kids Ministry is a critical part of a thriving church, but finding and equipping dedicated teachers can be a challenge. This session will provide practical tips for recruiting, training, and organizing leaders who are passionate about teaching and discipling children.
Help, Kids Are Different Than They Used to Be
Session B
Presented By: Stephanie Rogers
Join us for an interactive session dedicated to leveraging the power of relationships, reactions to behavior, and classroom setup to guide behavior on Sunday morning or any day of the week!
Captivating Kids with Bible Stories
Session D
Presented By: Stephanie Rogers
How many times have you said, “Help! How do I keep children interested in Bible story time?” This session has a variety of exciting ideas to share with you, ensuring that kids remain on the edge of their seats, eager to learn more.
Kids and Social Media Addictions
Sessions A,D
Presented By: Jonathan Smith
Social media and its negative influence on children are often in the news, but can social media be as addictive as drugs? Is this an addiction we should be concerned about? What do you do if your child seems addicted to social media? Is there hope? Yes! The Bible has hope, and we will discuss helping kids love God online and offline.
Technology and Its Impact on Parenting
Session C
Presented By: Jonathan Smith
Technology is everywhere, and it is hard to keep up. What do you need to know to stay current and to help those around you who may be struggling with screen addictions? How do you keep up with the latest trends, and what impact does all this technology have on parenting, educating, and raising kids to be more like Christ?
Questions About kids and devices
Session B
Presented By: Jonathan Smith
Get answers to common questions about kids and devices. How old should they be? What kind should I get them? Are some devices better than others? What is the difference between device types? What if I decide not to give my kid a device? And more!
Level up: Teaching a bible lesson from the overflow
Session A
Presented By: Kim Shelby
The key to transformational Bible teaching begins with recognizing the difference between preparing a lesson and preparing the leader of the lesson. At this seminar, we will discuss the importance of teaching Bible lessons from our overflow and give several easy ideas on how you can take the next step to teach from the overflow and level up your Bible study time.
Handling behavior problems with grace
Session B
Presented By: Kim Shelby
The hardest part of teaching may be dealing with the behavior problems that occur in our class. We need to remember that it’s not a behavior issue we are trying to squish, but a child we are trying to disciple. In this seminar, we will discuss an IDEAL way to handle the common behavior problems we face.